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Nour Shoukry

The one where we celebrate our skaters

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

June 2021

Hey there everyone, we hope that you are well.

We thought we would start this blog by introducing a new initiative that we have started here at Figure Skating Egypt (FSE) on social media - Skater of the W eek, where every fortnight one skater will be featured on all our social media platforms to praise you and acknowledge your hard work and keep motivating you all at every skating session.

This month Coach Mahmoud has been featured. For those who have not yet been featured, keep up the hard work, and stay up to date with our social media posts as you never know, you could be next!

Before we introduce this month's theme, we are super happy to highlight that this is our 12th blog, meaning it has just been over a year since we started our monthly blog posts. Happy One Year Anniversary from all of us here at FSE. A huge thanks to all our readers , without you, none of these posts would have happened, and our awesome team without whom none of this would have been possible! It has been truly amazing and extremely motivating to create these blogs and we hope that you have enjoyed reading them as much as we have enjoyed writing them.

So without further ado, this month's theme is a continuation of our theme from last month talking about blades, however it will not be as technical. Instead we will focus on what to do before, during and after your skating session to maintain your blade and ensure it has the longest possible lifetime, and to grow as a skater every day.

Before the session and during the week we strongly recommend that you do off-ice training. At first this doesn’t mean long hours and an extremely tiring workout but small and even just short sessions at home or at the gym are very beneficial. Stretching often is very important, both before and after every workout, to avoid muscle injury and to help you get the most out of your workout!

During the session, we advise that you bring a bottle of water and focus on the instructions you have been given by your coach, as coaches always see a bigger picture than we as skaters do, so always remember that even if the task seems tedious, there is a reason why they want us to work on that specific move, even if we're already good at it, so listen to your coach, and trust that they have your best interest in mind as they will help get you to where you want to go. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy yourself and especially if you’re a newcomer, get to know your team members and make new friends!

After the session, many of you who are new to the team and to the sport might find that your legs and feet are quite sore, don’t worry it happens to all of us - that is the sign of a successful workout...even the pros who have spent their whole lives training go through it too. It is recommended to massage the sore area and if you can manage it, take a cold shower to help your muscles recover faster, but either way don't worry it is a temporary inconvenience, and one that you should be proud of. After such hard work, you definitely need a meal but remember to make it healthy and well-balanced.

We hope that this advice helps you to make the most out of your training sessions. Let us know if you have any further questions and of course any future blog ideas, you are more than welcome to share.

From all of us at Figure Skating Egypt, we thank you for your continued support and as always, you can find out more about joining our team through our website, or our social media pages or by directly contacting our coach Captain Ahmad Saad.

Quote of the month:

'Celebrate what you have accomplished but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed'

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